Don’t let the scumbags keep ruining it for you… and stop going at it alone!
We share our winning secrets to dominate in today’s unpredictable and fast-changing times…
The gold rush is over…
Companies who fail to figure it out will die off. But figuring out what you should actually be doing is overwhelming.
You feel lost and don’t know where to turn or who to trust. The gurus don’t have all the answers. The industry FB groups are full of self-promotion, huge egos, and horrible advice. And if you see one more Rolex wrist shot or a Lamborghini…
What if I told you that there’s more people like you than you probably realize? Congratulations, because you just found them.
Let me introduce you to the Roofing & Solar Reform Alliance (RSRA).
We’re the minority. The misfits, outliers, and rebels who are disgusted by the mainstream roofing industry.
We share our winning secrets to dominate in today’s unpredictable and fast-changing times.
If you’re excited to be around passionate, advanced thinkers who will help you win in business, then keep reading.
There’s nothing else like this…
What RSRA is NOT:
The industry is changing, and if you’re not changing with it, you’ll go out of business. Especially in the AI Revolution we are living in.
What we will see in our lifetime is unfathomable. We are on the verge of an AI explosion. What we will experience in the next 2, 5, and 10 years is so far beyond our imagination that we can hardly explain it. It’s like The Jetsons is happening in real life.
Zack Kass, who is one of the creators of ChatGPT, says that “Adaptability is the new strategy.”
And the RSRA community is adapting together. We are leading the charge in a way that our industry has never seen before…
… and a lot more that’s happening behind closed doors in complete confidentiality.
If you want to win big in life and business, your success teeters on these 2 things:
We have members from coast to coast. Doing $2M/yr to over $180M/yr. Retail only companies. Insurance only companies (who are actively getting into retail). And hybrid companies. No matter the challenge you face, or will face, someone in our community has triumphed. They have wisdom to share.
That’s a tall claim, I know… so let me tell you a story.
Justin, a longtime Member, said, “I used to think I was the only one…” He was describing a very personal struggle he was facing. He continued to explain how huge of a relief it was to connect with fellow Members who had gone through the same exact thing. He said, “I realized I am not alone.”
Justin isn’t the only one. I hear this almost weekly! Members sometimes reach out to me privately asking for advice. I tell them Justin’s story and explain that they aren’t alone.
Then I tell them to make a post in the Owners-Only discussion board. Within hours, they get feedback, support, and advice from those who went through it before them.
But that’s just the beginning. Because other Members who have gone through those same challenges post their comments too, offer 1-on-1 phone calls, and even set up in-person visits.
When you search “Call Me” in the RSRA private App, you’ll see over 200 comments (and counting) of people sharing their phone numbers, sometimes within minutes.
Like how Martin landed a huge government contract after meeting someone in California on a daddy/daughter trip. But there was a problem. Martin needed to be licensed in Mississippi. Without a Mississippi license, he couldn’t get the deal done. He’d lose all the profit and the relationship.
So Martin posted in the Owners Roundtable explaining the situation. He asked to connect with fellow Members in Mississippi. Within hours he met Harrison, his new partner on this massive government contract.
Then there’s Matt, a Tampa roofing contractor who has never done insurance work. He’s been in business for 10 years and has a database of thousands of past customers. When Hurricane Milton hit, he was overwhelmed and unprepared to handle all the work. Without help, he’d lose out on millions of dollars of revenue.
Matt reached out to me personally asking for help. I suggested that he make a post in the Owners Roundtable. Not only did he get helpful advice, he connected with Jason right away.
Jason is from Wisconsin and specializes in insurance claims, but winter’s slow season was just starting. Jason and Matt worked out a winning partnership. Matt is growing his company and learning insurance. Jason is making money and escaping the Wisconsin winter!
There are plenty more stories of Members sharing their winning secrets. Like how John needed a new Vehicle Policy and multiple Members posted theirs.
Scott shared his proposal, software, and process for creating bids.
Carl posted his company Training Manual for new hires.
Mark shared how to use AI to write SOPs lightning fast.
Your community will answer your questions. Whether to hire a marketing firm, set your Sales Manager’s pay plan, or find the best way to recruit talent.
And if you’re worried about confidentiality, don’t be. Because every Member signs our Membership Agreement which includes a Mutual Non-Disclosure Agreement.
What happens in RSRA stays in RSRA. If you violate any of our terms, you’re kicked out.
All communities need Mentors, but not gurus. Dogma has no place inside RSRA… There’s more than 1 way to grow a roofing company. And you need to grow your company in a way that fuels you, your lifestyle, and your needs.
That’s why our Mentors act as your “guide from the side, not a sage from the stage” (as Joe Polish says). I’ve hand selected who I believe is the best in class to serve you. Let me introduce you to your Mentorship Team.
The Roof Strategist
Roof Hustlers
Roofer Marketers
John The Roof Pro & NTS ID
CEO of Reimagine Roofing
Your Mentors share their expertise and lead Roundtable discussions every single week. You’ll be joining live, interactive Sessions 2-4 times per week.
Think of it like Netflix. Tune into who you want, when you want, for what you want. And if you miss one, just open the RSRA App and watch the recording or skim the written summary.
Value-bombs like these are dropped every single week. They aren’t fluff or theory. These are actionable strategies you will execute on. And you’ll get support from fellow Members along the way. Just 1 idea brought to life could be worth millions.
We’re on a mission to STOMP the scum out. As I said before, there’s more of us than you probably realize. We just haven’t had a voice. A platform. Or a way to unite. But now we do. And we are making an impact where it matters most – in the minds of homeowners.
Contractors who aren’t Members struggle to sell against us. A contractor applied to join because, “I knocked on a door. The homeowner said they spoke with a roofer who was a Member of RSRA. I had a really hard time selling against them. That’s why I want to join.”
Well, this contractor wasn’t allowed in. Because he didn’t fit the mold of who we are. He didn’t share our values. He was only in it for the money.
He’s not the only one who is struggling to sell against RSRA Members. At a roofing conference, Marcus, a Member, overheard salespeople complaining about RSRA… because their companies weren’t Members!
Homeowners have been asking them, “Are you a Member of RSRA?” That’s probably because we train homeowners to ask that question. Hear it for yourself.
(Click to watch video)
It’s working so well because we give homeowners the ultimate consumer’s guide. It’s called, Sniff Out The Scum! The Insider’s Guide to Choosing the Right Roofing and Solar Contractor.
Your team will use this sales tool, among others, to build trust. It will help establish authority and credibility.
Our Members-Only sales tools will help you and your team get homeowners ready to buy. These are easy to use and we give you step-by-step instructions.
You’ll use the Appointment Reminder Tool to overcome the top objections before you even show up.
You’ll use the Pre-Sell Tool to warm up homeowners before the roof inspection.
You’ll use the Rejection Tool to turn “I’m not interested” into a hot lead.
You’ll use our Done-For-You Presentation to get more 1-call closes.
Reforming The Corrupt and Greedy Practices of the Roofing and Solar Industry Through Leadership and Action
You will showcase your RSRA Endorsement with pride, everywhere you possibly can. Shout to the world who you are, what you stand for, and how you do business.
You’ll have the RSRA logo on your website, truck wraps, and shirts. And in your done-for-you sales presentation you’ll be using.
But RSRA is about far more than just belonging to an amazing community of value-aligned people. A group of winning owners, winning managers, and winning sales people.
And the sales tools are just one of the ways we help you drive sales.
Before joining RSRA, many of our best Members faced challenges like:
Those challenges quickly became opportunities because of the information and people inside RSRA. Up until this point, we’ve talked about the people, so now let’s dive into the information.
They use The Roof Strategist start-to-finish sales training system for selling roofs. Members use this “go to” training for new hires and seasoned veterans alike. Many of which have become $2M – $3M per year sales reps.
Teach your team everything they need to know about running a sales presentation, knocking doors, tackling objections, and closing sales. Whether you’re selling storm-damaged roofs or retail roofs – it will help your team communicate better and close more deals. Our system helped Thomas sell $1M in retail roofs by April 21st!
Our sales training is lightning fast. Easy to follow. And wildly effective. Your team will get the ongoing help they need inside our private discussion board and during our LIVE, interactive training sessions led by our Mentors.
Then, turn to the Roof With Solar Sales System®. It teaches how to bolt solar sales onto the roofs they sell. You can nearly double your revenue without more customers!
Don’t be fooled by the mainstream telling you to start a solar division. You’ll be competing in the shark-infested waters of solar companies who are spending up to $3,600 to make a sale! And you’ll be running 2 separate companies… with 2 separate marketing channels… 2 separate sales channels… and 2 separate operations channels.
Our Roof With Solar Sales System® gives you the easiest, fastest business model to add solar into your already successful roofing company.
If you’ve wanted to get into solar, or make more solar sales – this system is for you. It gives you a step-by-step business framework, sales process, and ready-made presentation.
Now it may be hard to believe this, but we have multiple members who are reporting closing rates at over 70%. See for yourself.
Remember, training is not something you did, it’s something you do. Training never stops, and neither do we.
You and your team will be joining LIVE, interactive training sessions every week. So they can sharpen the axe, develop new skills, and grow a winning mindset. RSRA will be the backbone of your culture, and a competitive recruiting advantage.
You will get access to my recruiting training system, How to Build Your Dream Team. You’ll also get to connect with Members who have cracked the recruiting code.
Recruiting is one of the hottest topics inside our community. You’ll plug into conversations, past posts, and many Roundtables on the topic.
Immediately after onboarding, I’ll send you our “Best Of” playlist from past Roundtables. You’ll watch the Recruiting Masterclass: Cracking The Human Code. You’ll also watch the Hiring Ad LIVE Critique.
These 2 sessions alone will help you find, attract, and hire winning sales people. What about pay plans? We’ve got you covered. Learn from my system and from fellow Members who do it differently. You’ll discover the best pay plan for you because there’s no one-size-fits-all solution!
I repeat. There is no one-size-fits-all solution to building a roofing company. Your lifestyle, goals, and market are unique to you. So why follow the dogmatic advice of a guru when you could create your own path?
We have some Members who want to take over the roofing world in every state. And others who would be happy earning a $1-2M/yr (take home pay) with a manageable team out of 1 office.
Some Members want to spend more time on hunting trips, golfing, or boating with family. While others live to work. Building companies is their passion.
That’s why I say we are not like-minded. Because like-mindedness creates an echo chamber and a cult.
Let me explain.
If I surveyed our Members and asked this question, “What’s the healthiest diet?” Some may say carnivore. Others may say paleo. A few could say keto. A couple may even be vegetarian.
Are they like-minded? NO! But if I asked this question, “Do you value your health?” Everyone would likely say YES!
That’s what I mean when I say we are value-aligned. Value-alignment invites diverse views and ideas. It creates a culture of healthy debate.
The beauty of getting different perspectives is that you choose what advice works for you. So you can build the business and life of your dreams, not someone else’s.
If you’ve made it this far, that tells me you’re probably one of us. You feel like you finally found your people. You’re eager to take the next step. The next obvious questions are, “What does it cost?” and “How do I join?”
Yes, we have denied entry. Yes, we have kicked people out. Our community is the most sacred thing in the world to us, and we protect it like it’s our baby (because it is). So if you are accepted into RSRA, here’s a summary of what you’ll get:
You’ll be officially endorsed by the Roofing & Solar Reform Alliance.
Annual Certificate to be used in your sales presentations.
You’ll be listed on our official Member Directory on our website.
Start-to-Finish Sales Training & System for both storm and retail. Includes canvassing training, objection handling, and in-home sales presentations. Used by thousands and now exclusively available to members of the Roofing & Solar Reform Alliance.
Integrate solar into your roofing sales. Includes solar 101 training, done-for-you solar presentation, canvassing training, and more!
Over 280 done-for-you lead getting templates at your finger tips. Direct mail, door hangers, emails, material for commercial, apartments, churches, and specifically for solar. Covers both storm and retail. Just copy/paste, fill in the blank, and hit print!
Boost credibility with our 3rd party endorsement. Add our logo to your website, truck wraps, company apparel, business cards, and more!
Use our growing library of marketing material to differentiate your business, stand apart, and showcase your endorsement. Including the backing of our consumer-facing website!
Access everything you need at your fingertips, from anywhere in the world.
Join LIVE, interactive training sessions hosted by Adam Bensman & Dashaun Bryant (~4/month).
Join LIVE, interactive sessions hosted by John Senac (~2/mo).
Join LIVE, interactive sessions hosted by Jim Ahlin (~2/mo).
Join LIVE, interactive sessions hosted by Kody Landals (~1/mo).
Join LIVE, interactive sessions hosted by special guests and industry experts.
Join LIVE, interactive sessions for owners and managers ONLY hosted by Adam Bensman and Kody Landals (~2/mo)
Join LIVE, interactive roundtable sessions exclusively for owners only. These sessions are NOT recorded. Hosted by Adam Bensman or Member led. (~1/mo).
All sessions are recorded, archived, and available in the app (Owners Only sessions excluded).
Optional: Small groups of owners (6 MAX) who collaborate together and hold each other accountable.
In-app discussion board accessible to all members. Post your questions, get feedback and answers from the community and Mentors.
In-app discussion board accessible to owners and managers only. Post your leadership and operational questions behind closed doors. Get feedback and answers from the community and Mentors.
In-app discussion board accessible to owners only. Post in confidentiality and get answers and feedback to guide your business decisions.
Get access to exclusive discounts from some of the biggest and best service providers in the industry for all of your business needs.
Access our member directory and “Rolodex” to connect 1-on-1 for further collaboration, networking, or site visits.
Optional: Connect 1-on-1 with fellow members for site visits to peek behind the curtains as to how they run their business.
You’ve probably seen that most coaching programs, training programs, Associations, or Masterminds hide their pricing.
They want to push you to a call to hard sell you. Many Members have “switched” from various training programs, coaching programs, Associations, or Masterminds. They told us what they’ve been paying.
Coaching programs: $30,000 to $60,000/yr
Masterminds: $20,000 – $30,000/yr
Sales training programs: $10,000 – $30,000/yr
Associations: $1,000 – $10,000+
We put it all in one place. Your community, training, endorsement, and more. Right at your fingertips inside the RSRA App. The most connected community in the roofing industry.
It would be worth every penny of $100,000 to be a Member. But you should feel like you’re getting far more than you paid for.
We thought about charging $50,000. I knew that it would isolate too many people who should be inside but aren’t quite there yet to drop that kind of money.
So we cut it down to $25,000. After all, I was charging $20,000 per day (until I shut down my 1-on-1 offerings to focus on RSRA). I pay $35,000 for a business mastermind that delivers less than RSRA. But $25,000 didn’t feel right either. I really wanted our Members to feel like they robbed us blind because they got so much value.
At the same time, we knew we needed to price out the people who should not be in RSRA. If you can’t afford it, you probably aren’t established enough (yet) in your business. That’s OK! We hope you aspire to join us one day. Continue watching Adam Bensman on YouTube and use all of our free information. We hope to support your growth so you can join us when you’re ready.
That’s how we settled on what is a no-brainer investment for serious teams who are committed to winning big in life and business.
And includes up to 10 Team Members.
That’s less than most new truck payments… but your truck depreciates every time you start it.
You’ll have an incredible ROI if your time is worth at least $500/hr, which it should be if you run a roofing company.
On-demand training should save you 15 hours per new hire… (+$7,500).
Done-for-you sales meetings should save you 10 hours… (+$5,000).
Imagine the profit from at least 5 more sales per month because of the resources and endorsement… (+$26,000).
With these assumptions you’d be adding $38,500 of value back to your business every single month. That’s nearly $500,000 in value per year, and these calculations are on the conservative side!
But your ROI could be far, far larger. Imagine if the people and resources inside helped you grow by 50%, 100% or even 300%? What if you developed business partnerships that drove millions in revenue?
And we haven’t even factored in the…
You have zero excuse NOT to hit your business goals using the information and people inside. How much is that worth to you?
And there’s one more thing I haven’t even told you about yet. I’m saving my favorite part about RSRA for last.
Here’s a taste of what you’ll experience.
(Click to watch video)
This is not like a traditional conference where you sit back and watch people speak. This is hands-on. You won’t be sitting there listening to people talk at you. You’ll actually work on your business. The Room is a mix of deep-dive training, small group discussion, workshops and Roundtables.
It’s first-come, first-served until The Room fills up. You’ll join your Mentorship team and fellow Members for a 2-day Workshop Mastermind.
We craft the experience to give you exactly what you need, even when everyone needs something different. Your sales team is invited, your managers are invited, and of course – so are you. We break into different rooms so we can go deep in complete confidentiality.
You’ll form rich relationships during these value-packed 2 days while you build your business, collaborate, and learn new skills. You’ll return to your office with at least a year’s worth of plans to execute.
Many Members have decided to stop going to other conferences. They get everything they need, and more, from The Room.
Annual Membership starts at $10,964/yr when pre-paid, or billed monthly at $997/mo (for 12 months).
Violate any of the terms in our Membership Agreement and you’ll be kicked out and denied re-entry. I said it before and I’ll say it again. Our community is the most precious thing in the world to us.
This may be hard to believe, so let me explain. I used to sell my sales system on its own. My business was transaction focused. I sold as much as I could. But then this happened…
I found out my sales system had fallen into the wrong hands (more than once). It was being used by people I didn’t want to support, doing things I wanted no part in.
I got fed up. I wanted to make a change. To go from a transaction business to a relationship business. So I could stop focusing on selling my stuff and start focusing on working with the people I serve.
I’m not willing to sacrifice the quality of our community for sheer growth. In fact, we aim to keep Members for life who love what we do together… Members who are so proud of what we do that they refer value-aligned owners who would love RSRA too.
For that reason, we limit our New Member Onboarding every month to ensure you join our world seamlessly. We balance this to benefit both you, and the community at large.
If you made it this far, congratulations are in order. Why? Because you clearly feel connected to what we’re all about, what we stand for, and how we do things. You just found “your people,” and that must feel amazing! You can stop going at it alone. You can stand up for what you believe in. You can become one of us. We can do it together.
We’ll share our winning secrets to help you dominate in today’s uncertain and fast-changing world.
Join the community of roofers who don’t like roofers, and let’s stomp the scum out!
Book Your Application Call right now.
You’ll pick a time to chat. Answer a few questions. And quickly find out if we’re a good fit.
We’ll be sure to answer all of your questions and guide you through the process of becoming one of us.
Then, check your inbox for a personal welcome video from me 😉
I can’t wait to introduce you to your people – your new community.
Adam Bensman